In Death Do we Part? (An Ode to a Doyen of the Zimbabwean Democratic Movement)

Send us the glowing stars

So we can crown his head.

Lend us the skies

To veil his valiant heart.


“Grant us strength, oh, Yah

Lest the darkness do us drown!”


Cover his modesty with the sun

And bathe his soul with the seething sea,

For to live is to die,

But to love is worth of earth’s pride!

For We Were Men

“For  your eyes are the  fairest,

Your skin silky and sallow.

come be a part of  my life

And  in turn share its sweetness may”


” Away with  you  oh braveheart

for  my love is  too puppy

to quench your ambitious taste

I am only but too plain for your impress”

“Too plain? Do not  mock  my reverence

For my eyes have been more than dazzled by your gait

and your virtuous voice has poisoned my mind

You are lyk the forbidden fruit, too magnificent

Yet too tempting to behold unless…”

” oh spare me the silly flattery my lord

for I am only yet but a budding child

and know not how I can satisfy

the affections of such worthy a grace”

“oh! though thou cut me short as I admire thy smile,

as much as I like I may not see you

nor may I embrace or have a chance to kiss you.

Yet deep inside I know you are the sunshine unto my soul

thus like in war, your love is a prize I will die for” ( attempts to hold her waist)

” Uphold your peace you fool!

For my love is not for you to tear

nor my heart for you to break

But greater is he, that sees beyond my face”


Screams from deep within

Tell me  why  the  world  runs  wild  inside  of  me

why  the  sun burns  like  a  furnace torching  my  mind?

tell me  why  the  heaviness  in  the  air  drowns  my  smiles

shattering  their  luminance into a  million   shards

that  descend  like  mist onto my  uncovered  heart?

tell me  why  my  cries  dig  gutters  in  my  psyche

plunging  me  deeper into the  torments  choking  my sight?

Why, my  mouth feels  like  a trove of grit,

and  my  heavy  eyelids shield  me  not  from the maddening  demons?

why there is  broken glass  running  through  my  veins?

why  this  noise  causes  my  ears  to rapture,

and  the wind  wheezes  down my  lungs like a  harmattan,

drying my  inside, shriveling  it  to nothingness?

tell me  why

why my  mind spins  itself into a  whirlwind,

breaking  down everything  in  its way?

tell me  why  i do this  to myself

tell me  why

tell me


why why


whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??? (screaming)


As the nights are entwined
Our thoughts are enshrined
Upon your luminous smiles
And my earnest eyes.

Into the unknown we thrust
Our timid souls and vapid hearts.
Reckless in our intentions
Yet oblivious to the lustrous rigors
Of our disastrous desires.

As unrestrained emotions collide
The desiccating void is denied
Amidst the rage of doubt
Surging forth from our fervid past.

We venture into depths that consume our lust
And reject our besmirched innocence.
Tender in their ferocity
Yet enrapturing in their intensity.

We strive until-
Like a hasty breeze.
Salvation comes!

Malignant History

Further  beyond  this  ghost

lies  a  picture  so gaunt,

so cruelly  contorted 

so heartrending  in  its  splendour,

it  shackles  up your  mind.

A  picture  of  struggles  within struggles,

a two headed monster

that  devours  the  hands  that  feeds  it.

Complex  in its  complexity 

yet  demonic  in  its  animosity.

Scattered  blood  of  both friend  and  foe

paint  a  gruesome  masterpiece,

with lovely  strokes  of deception,

strokes  of  betrayal

and strokes  of  popular  contempt 

that  up to now continue

condemning the  hopes  of  the  mass

into a  deep void  of  gloom.

Yet  the  ghost  continue  hovering  over  famished  souls

like  a  terrible  ecclesiastical romance

that  though  unreal,

is  forever  shoved  down our  throats,

 hence  we  all sing  along

to the  distorted  drums;

drums  of  over-washed  tales,

drums  that  celebrate the  entrenched  lies

fashioned  to blinker  our  minds.

Surely  how  can one  man hold  fort

the  hopes  of a  people

simply  because  he  died  for  them,

an untruth  so impregnanted  in our  present

that  it  colonises  our  past

uprooting  reality from its  depth

replacing it  with  shallow  deceitful wiles?

The  drums  condemn our  hopes  to the  grave,

that  mirthfully  awaits  our  descend

which  without  much ado

would  be  a  pleasant  escape  from this  furnace,

a  furnace  of  gagged  mouths  and  hungry stomachs,

a  furnace  of  dark cold  dreary nights

and  wearisome  waterless  fiery  days.

Now only  those  who celebrate  his  death,

the  selfless  prince who sacrificed  all

for  a  bite  at  the  people’s  reverence,

enjoy  the  perennial fruits  of  the  struggle

whilst  we  continue  to scrounge in  the  dust.

Time  and  again,

their  humourless  wrath outpours

like  a  heartless  bitter  storm,

so vicious,

so ruthless-

when you  dare  to vent your  frustration.

   Trying  times we  live  in

      my  son,

                   I pray  our  wounds  will heal

         for  I know

                  one  day  someone  will hear

         our  malignant  cries.